Sunday, 9 February 2020

I am Nandeshnath - satguru & chakra

There are many complaints that our Guru does not pay attention to us . Today there is a situation where we get to see countless Gurus and each Guru has lakhs of shishyas. But the supreme power who has given a person Guru tatva ( the rights of being a Guru) also gives him/her a power that inspite of having lakhs of shishyas , he/she gives proper attention to each one of them.When a small lamp lit inside a dark room spreads its light all over the room , the same way after associating with the Guru or after meditating a Gurumantra  (after regular meditation) we can come under their light of knowledge.

In Adhyatma , every aspect depends upon purity or cleanliness of our body , trust , belief  and mantra jap(chanting our Guru Mantra). All these aspects have been engaged with each other and that is why never think of --- "I am capable enough , still I do not have anything. How could he get those rights ?" . 
The more you meditate the given Mantra , the more your body will become pure. Purity of body leads to purity of the chakras and purity of the chakras leads to achieve the ultimate Power of Universe. 

The purification of Adnya chakra means getting the vision of Earth-Water-Fire-Air-Sky  elements. 
The purification of Vishudha Chakra means the exchange of the feelings which are included in the Earth-Water-Fire-Air-Sky elements. 
The purification of Anahat Chakra means receiving / absorbing the knowledge which is in Earth-Water-Fire-Air-Sky elements. 
The purification of Manipur Chakra means ultimate power present in the five elements merges inside your soul.
The purification of Swadhishthan Chakra means  development of the five elements by yourself. 
The purification of Muladhar Chakra means your power on the five elements of Universe. The purification of Sahastradal Chakra means leaving the five elements and merging your soul with the Supreme power. 
The sequence here is given in the decending order because in Nath Pant you are asked first to concentrate on the Adgya Chakra and then other Chakras. 
When one of your Chakras get purified then the Chakra above and below the Chakra also starts getting purified. (You can observe the vibration )

Every chakra has its own responsibility or work by which we can receive many Siddhis ( miracle accomplishments ). But never follow those Siddhis. Never do glutton experiments for the purification of these Chakras , it is definitely going to harm you. 
These aspects are completely dependent on  Sadguru, that is why never say that your Guru does not pay attention to you.

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